Frances Jones, RN, MSN, IBCLC

Frances Jones RN MSN IBCLC has worked in nursing for over 45 years including public health and acute care. She is the Coordinator of the Lactation Service and Provincial Milk Bank at BC Women's Hospital in Vancouver. As co-founder of the BCW Lactation Service, Frances has worked clinically providing breastfeeding support both in hospital and through the outpatient clinic as well as developing and providing many educational programs. She is a past author of several editions of HMBANA’s Best Practice for Expressing, Storing and Handling Human Milk. Currently Frances is cochairing the BFI committee for reassessment at BC Women's, is a member of the HMBANA Standards and the Accreditation Committees and is Chair of the Board of Directors of the non-profit Quintessence Foundation which sponsors the annual Breastfeeding Challenge and has undertaken a number of initiatives in support of milk banking and breastfeeding.