Linda Hsiung Dech, MPH, IBCLC

Linda Hsiung Dech, MPH, IBCLC, has been the Executive Director for the Minnesota Milk Bank for Babies since it started in 2019. Prior to this position, Linda was the MN WIC Peer Breastfeeding Coordinator for the Minnesota Dept. of Health WIC Program. She is one of the founders of the Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition advocating on behalf of our current and next generation to have the best start in life possible by making it easier to access the best nutrition available. Her interest in this area started by having a 24-week premature baby who spent 3 ½ months in the NICU where mom’s own milk was encouraged and supported. Having the opportunity to see the impact of human milk on these very fragile babies became a life-long goal to see that all babies have access to this amazing food and medicine made by their own mothers.